I got started working out of necessity.

I had moved into my new home in 2015, but had no furniture - basically a mattress, folding chair, and a plastic table. The house echoed! Having searched and searched for good furniture for my house and finding little, I decided that I would try my hand at making some furniture. I needed two side tables, so I snagged some rough lumber and some tools and got to work in my garage. The tables were quite austere to say the least, but I suddenly felt inspired as I realized that I could make what I needed with my own hands!

The progression into fine woodworking was gradual. I iterated on my designs, got frustrated often when things didn't turn out as planned, but bit by bit got better with my design sense. My first piece that sold was a walnut and maple coffee table at a local Asheville store. I was elated! It was then that I realized that I could design and craft things that I enjoyed and that others appreciated.

I started my Etsy shop in the fall of 2017 and began designing and crafting out of my garage - turned - studio. Now Crafted Glory is a small team that creates our unique furniture in a 1,300 sq. ft. shop in gorgeous Clyde, NC overlooking the Blueridge Mountains.

The name Crafted Glory alludes to our desire to create with excellence. We were all created in the image of a master Designer who went at incredible lengths to put intricate detail into the created world, making immeasurable galaxies, towering mountains, breathtaking landscapes, and millions of interesting living creatures. And all of it is a testament to the infinite magnitude of His glory. I feel that it is an honor and obligation to design beautiful things to the best of my ability to point to a creative God who placed creativity in me.

Owner | Craftsman

Where To Buy

Atomic Furnishings & Design

Atelier Maison & Co.